Monday, June 3, 2024

 I feel as though we've all had our fun, and it's time to conduct a dreary evaluation of what took place.   Hunter Biden is being prosecuted right now, zowie, cowabunga.   Trump just got convicted of a quazi-heinous crime.  Groovy.   I'm still a voting, quazi-loyal Democrat, and,  pure tough shit, my centrist philosophy is not cutting any ice with fuck near anyone.  Sad.  I didn't vote for Trump, I merely hold opinions other than those typical of the DNC.   Though an atheist, I think everyone should forgive,forget, turn the other pink powdery cheek, and quit busting each others big hairy agates.   Let's be chivalrous, for fuck sake. On days like this, even an atheist will see the sense in coming to Jesus.   

I tried while Trump was president to encourage a more docile, social and chivalrous approach to grass roots politics.  I forgive everyone who called me weak lazy asshole.   Also, for refusing to consider alternatives to pervasive hostility and opposition.   At grass roots level, voters could have demanded the DNC produce better candidates.  And that may have been, under a shit pit of circumstance, impossible.  Going to the issues, voters focused hatred on Trump while ignoring the banking industries and the Federal Reserve, which has raised interest rates, supposedly to reverse inflation.  I think the theory is total BS, the tactic makes it  more profitable for the banks to lend money, while lending less money in total to sustain higher profits.  This places the financial burden of reversing inflation on consumers, all sweating nervous three hundred million of us.  

I could sling more 'what should we do' hash, but that would just further obfuscate deep socio-political quicksand.   Betcha' there will a years-long trend in frivolous and malicious prosecution among our political leaderships.  No worries.  I have my pith helmet and johdpurs, riding crop and a hobby horse to play on.  I'm playing nice, you should too.  Thanks for reading.

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