Wednesday, February 26, 2020

poem reading with guitar The Points

Dottie Chazar, pronounced Kah-zar, has an event coming up downtown, through the partnership.  Dottie got the waif spot for a series of word salads issued at Fellatiateria, mostly about having anorexia and bipolar illness.  The new anti-bullying fad is bananas to United Fruit Company since it draws city cash.     Dottie's boy friend is a abusive sack of no talent, and works public  radio and cultural district venues.   Even people who have a mind for anything have to be nice to the fat cocksucker, because he has enough cards in the game to get punks in or out of the city/nonprofit partnership.   

As it says in the Book,   "How terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the wise."

Saturday, February 22, 2020

No one's needs in life were better beamed to anyone from outer space! We had an antena to get Cleveland from one hundred fifty miles East! I couldn't be better prepared to deal with what's really out there.

What's My Line was an early example of progress. Women were frequent and regular panelists. Kittie Carlyle was on there when I was still sucking, also the lovely Ms. Francis. They had every smart chick. Minority stand up comedians were panelists. Also, non-traditional identity persons who kept it half wrapped.

I was more mature, though puerile, when I began to see in myself star qualities associated with Wally Cox and Paul Linde. Entitlement is hard wired. Too bad it's twisted.

Friday, February 21, 2020

You Know Me

I was born during an episode of What's My Line.   It was a C section,  ruined  Dad's plaid hunting coat, also the couch we were all watching television on.   The contestant sold linen to people who get vertigo  looking at curly maple.   I knew right away the other two contestants were lying  about what they were or are.   Affectations  are a tell.  

Mom has excellent deductive reasoning, and listened carefully to the questions and answers while Dad did what they do at Animal Friends, all day every day.   I was eager to see  what Arlene Francis looked like, as it's audio only in utero.   When Bill Cullen came into focus, I was able to attach meaning to sight, and hoped I wouldn't need to wear black horn rim glasses.  Horsefeathers, I've had to.  I think that's enough background checks.   I also hoped I have better hair.  

I'm not bothered anymore with background checks.   Astrology is the Mighty Casey of recondite career trouble.   He lets the first strikes go, because he is dashing.   The stars were lined up like the half hour comedies on television.   Even the Lucy Show was about people who can't hold a job.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Pleased to share observations about race relations on a bus, since looking out the window in the seat ahead of me a passenger deliberately, open to the community inside the bus, said, "Why do white women French kiss them dogs?"

That was the opening salvo into a group rant.   The funniest you could dream of.   Better than Netflix.  Better than Rodney Dangerfield.   The group of older women was a laugh riot.  They hated white women with a vengeance, articulating what white women do and value.   House pets, for instance, are of tertiary importance to women who live decades in danger and hardship. The principle of relativity can be a real ass wipe.    Importance, to opportune linguistics.  Rich people treat their pets infinitely better than they do the hired help.  Some of whom may have been on the bus that risible afternoon in the 'Burgh. 

To importune wrongfulness is to stall inhumanity.  We are a town of obstructionists.     Everyone says rotten things about people they despise.   The women on the bus each contributed to a related group of jokes and observations about women and their animals.   How it illustrates to them that what they have heard, and corresponds with what they've experienced.   Social progress never fully adjusts for astigmatism.

Some fellows matching my complexion get miffed with these displays  of hostility.   Not me.   

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I miss my cat. This is a cat eulogy poem.

 Cat Eulogy

people are incapable of outperforming cats
surrender to the diminutive
the day you X rats as did Noodles
we discuss equality
I fess easy she was better at killing rats than I
and she snuggled

I once bought a widget for measuring what-nots
you can determine the girth of micro appendages
it's calibrated
for cautious gaps between posts
my cat used organic devices laser chess program
no air mail widget from China
you need one
she don't
there you go

people are sub par
sand hisses upper bulb downward
felines purr

Thursday, February 6, 2020