Friday, May 15, 2015

Processing Mystery

Being a nonbeliever might or might not botch relations with theists.    Note how unpopular the topic can be, in the media.   Mysticism is veiwed by some as sinful.   Which a nonbeliever should feel at liberty to refute.  Or not, since there is mala en se, things inherently  rotten, God or no, in which case atheists and Christians should like each other, at least a little.    Being an atheist might mean rejecting superstition and the supernatural, along with the dogmatic refusal to worship a 'god figure.'   Talismans and amulets are reduced to 'witchy' looking things, having no power other than interest value and aesthetic value.  I've loved mysterious objects, antiques, suits of armor, paintings, sculpture  since a tot, had the beginnings atheism by the age of four, am currently interested in the humanities, and like this was bedtime for a famous chimpanzee, it is time to discuss a theory about the arts.

Art objects have been said to convey a mystique.  Albert Einstein once said that mysterious things are beautiful  With the supernatural safely out of the way, individuals might simply enjoy the aesthetics of mysticism.  There is a demand for it, since people  seek out tarot readers, fortune tellers, and gurus to help them, in some way, with their relationship with the occult. Or with the ordinary, by way of the occult.  It can work all ways, except for supernatural.   Mysticism is entertainment. And is a service industry.  A scintilla of my theory is that art is best reduced to goods and services, in response of the failure of secular humanism.  Art doesn't exist for it's own sake. Both art and mysticism are best bargained with in terms of entertainment value and as personal/social service.  

An artist is a mystique provider.   He/she fabricates talismans.   There is always demand for  imported exotic voodoo trappings.  This demand is supplied by both painters such as Picasso or Warhol, and by retail companies like Pier One Imports.  The less humanism people apply, the more heart.  Economics is emotion.  People evolved on the planet, and arrived at their polymorphous cultures.  The new view of the occult is that it's an  acrylic nail parlor.    All nail parlors have an inherent mystique.

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