Sunday, September 1, 2019


Lots of people push or throw their spouse, friend or rival down a couple flights of stairs.   But when Sinsemelia Jones did it, he picked the person up and aimed.   If you ever threw paper wads in junior high, this was like a person carroming inside a waste receptable, right beside teacher's desk.   People didn't refer these things to the police.   Worse run down stairs if you snitch.  

Once people come to terms with stardust, they are no longer bound to maturity.    It's intrical to Broadway show tunes.    Lavoris crackman is pure stardust, which is why no one tries to fuck with her, Mikey would visit, but people would hate any bastard who was wrong towards Lavoris.    Rare woman that looks radiant with a bullet hole in her prominent chin.    She was shot in the face, and it had no negative effect on her singing.    The lord proves facts in some fucked up ways.  

We all had more or less some degree of stardust in us.   Everyone has to slap people around sometimes, unless there's a case of total stardust, such as Lavoris.    In descending order, Frankie Primavera has it, yet he takes shit off of Mikey Mumbawumba, the more dangerous of the two.   I take shit off of Frankie for the same reason, and keep as far stage left of Mikey as possible.    If either one of them say it's my fault the evening program, like the Show Boat meddlies we presented together, wasn't fab,  it's on me, just like it really was my fault.   Like I'm going to tell Mikey he's lagging on the coda progressions.

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