Let's try acting like mystics. I am now Sri Rama Bingo . I have taken the name Sri Rama Bingo because everything where I live operates like a bingo concession. Also, like a clip joint.
Before the town fully corporatized, it planned to save us all from poverty by installing the Rivers Casino. Pittsburgh city government runs like a bingo concession, and, ironically, it placed a modern gambling facility on the put-upon, rumbling north shore. To many it was welcome because they love to gamble. No one seems to be sore about folks lying like motherfuckers about everything, like it was supposed to eliminate property tax, so fucking generous the lying assholes claimed to be.
There was a case, not long after the casino was running , in which a city administrator embezzled over a hundred thousand dollars from the city. She was caught, and got an insane lite sentence, no jail time (first off) because she had grown, like potted plants, an addiction to gambling at Rivers Casino. Must be low recidivism. The flesh is weak. Jesus forgives assholes for pulling shit. The the gambling consession must go on.
Our city government, former mayor Tom Murphy in the chair, initiated all the lights, the noise, the pageantry. Murphy, while the process was still rumbling towards completion, made an much maligned faux paux, publicly, to the affect, "The fix is in." At the time three businesses were competing for the concession, one of them got in, and Tom may have felt the decision making process was not unbiased. Or else he knew outright. If memory ain't too senile, a fourth contender for the concession came in under the wire, so the placement process has a lot of issues no one cares about now.
This is all happy horse shit in the past. I am neither hopeful nor sentimental. Yet memory is an asshole, and it, too, pulls shit. Like raising concerns about what people did, and what the status of said horse shit is now. This in no way asperses what assholes everywhere are doing now, or will do in the future. Parables, dear friends, reveal what may happen in the future. Mystics are fat pricks about their goddam parables, I am Sri Rama Bingo, you are gracious to read my crap.
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