Thursday, April 25, 2024


Wild Bill Hickok was an abolitionist.  John Brown, also.   The latter may be the harder of the two to see as a model of humanity.  Very recently, people engaged in progressive politics have been outspoken about the advancement of African American People.   Much as I know, from the evening news, attitudes in the round differ from those of Brown and Hickok.   Also, from cold war era Democratic liberals that were engaged in civil rights.  Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist, and his bag was disparate from modern Gucci and Louis Vuitton baggage.    

The unpleasantness on college campuses.   New ideas?   New methods?  Masses of people in identical mind sets, calling for harm to persons in  the Family of Man?   It's a repeat performance.  Maybe young people feel cheated out of the past.  They didn't get to hang with Che Guavera.  Or protest the Vietnam War, like their grandfolks did.   Those people were exiting.   No one under age seventy five used LSD made by Sandoz!  Our youth deserves a chance to make up for all those things they can't do or have now.  I understand.  When I was kid I used to watch the television show Room 222, and could totally relate to Pete Dixon.   Haven't I done enough to help?

Ideas.   Methods.   An ad hoc committee is formed, it works it's agenda, and disperses when results say, 'enough.'   Thanks for reading.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tone Poem: Why Are We Dookie?

 Marginalized people fill the columns and talk shows like mosquitos on a humid dog day.

And no one drops a grande mal dookie.   The great divide:  A-list.........B-list.   Matters.  Doesn't matter.

And the B-list stays sick desperate

To get rich and liked

Poor and dowdy

Friday, April 19, 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Indications the Westview Plaza  is in decline:  in 1998 you could still buy a shotgun at Kmart. It closed, and now the space is a self storage unit brokerage.   The 2nd amendment has been in a slip and fall case for a while now.   Residency changed from fixed to variable.  Belongings travel space and time to their newest sheet steel sugar shack.  

Coffee shops were removed from Kmart stores,  blue light specials wandered back to an origin, 

Then they stopped selling guns.  The Wild West sacheted backward as civilization changed for the worse.  Managerial science, practiced in Kmarts everywhere, gave its tie clips and cufflinks to the  Salvation Army.   

I shopped there with my heart.  Clearance sales eased my troubled mind.     I felt one self storage unit safer owning a shotgun.  Home invasions were getting to be a bore.  Still are.  More so.  The decline of the west is enervating.  Live well and prosper.

Monday, April 15, 2024

 Greetings.  I hope some day to be a close up in Cecil B DeMille's urn.   Chillax, bro'.  Kidding.  Did you ever want to be a member of an important person's entourage?  It's fessing up to being lower on the B list than Leon Trotsky, but it's better to  be seen with a famous person than to be seen with an unattractive pauper.  Being seen chatting with Leon, could, if happened,  be bad for a person's social standing.  

Okay.  I'm  a rut.    Warpage in the wagon wheels.  Goes with getting old.   The goal post widens across the field of vision.   The illusory peace pipe circles a game full of native spirits.    There remains infinite possibility of gratification.   Where success was formerly a word, pleasure hop-skipped-jumped into primacy.    Necessity:  secundo     Meaning:  tertiary.    I'm blithering.  Thanks for your patience.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

 I'm a crank, but you already know that.  I've been forthcoming.  People who put their minds into description can be a pain in the ass.   Ask the Mob.  But that's not what I'm carping about.

There is a group that's been convening downtown for years running.  They have a PA system, a flip chart, and tables stacked with supporting paper non-valentines.   There is public address machine preaching, and the premise is:  Modern Jews are fake, some cheesy, crummy ethnic group from Asshole, Europe, and the real Jews are Black.  They use the flip chart to support their claim.

Handwritten in neat carpenter's pencil, left hand column in descending order, the names of the 12 tribes of Israel.  There was listed on the right column the names of native African tribes, with a horizontal line connecting the tribe of Israel to a tribe of Africa.  The real Jews descended from the right hand column.  To the left, folks were assholes.   Honest to fuck, I remorse the way I think and regret having become a cynic.

I'm a prick, and I think silly things.  It can be hurtful.   I began equating the tribes of Israel, for example, Cohen, with the Ike and Tina Turner Review.    The tribe Levi is the Isaly Brothers.  

I'm a silly goose and had a bar mitzvah, 1971.  It's been a cheesy stretch of manhood, all the more when you supposedly begin at age 13.  Soon as one has one's bar Mitzvah, one is a constipated, overworked, unpopular  adult.  By age 14 we own insurance distributorships, and have ulcers.   Male pattern baldness begins at conception.  

Not to freak out, not to go reactionary scumbag over what's happening, I have a gerbil's fear people may be trying to steal 6000 years of advanced civilization and productivity.  People may feel entitled to the net worth of that time frame.   Two shitty things happened before, and can do so again:  stolen property and stolen intangibles.  Feel free to chat over which of two matters more. In either case, it's swag.  Thanks for reading. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

 Do you know why people are making chipped ham out of each other with big, lurid weapons?  It's because of digital sound.  Alarms.  Artificial warning signs.  Series' (plural) of annoying beeps to alert people a cement mixer truck is about to puke wet cement into a plywood form, and stupid pedestrians need to stay the fuck out of the cement and quit sticking their stubby moronic fingers in it.   Quit writing your names in other people's wet cement!  Then the cement people wouldn't have to annoy everyone with their beeping.

I've been using the same sixteen inch gong for thirty years.   Gongs are a great way to get people's attention. It sounds natural.   

Don't beep.  Gong.  Thanks for reading.