Sunday, April 13, 2014

Stan and Donnie saga...

The barge, formerly rowing in the distance, was real close to shore, and the five dear pals  were almost certain they knew who it was.    So certain, they didn't spare a second snatching up five leaf rakes to shoost aside all the dead horse shoe crabs, straggling algae encrusted acrylic wigs, and shot syringes covering the beach.   As the barge pulled up, boa striations in the filthy sand, from raking, created the illusion of nice-ness in the beaming  red cloacal sunset.

Empress Cornhola, and Buttwhack Morgan, both from Rhode Island, originally, were saluting on deck of their barge.   Assholes went the whole way around the Cape of Incomprehensible South America, near where Mengele hid out from the Israeli  secret police.  Scenic.  Frugal.  Nice way to travel when jobs are scarce.  Plenty of eats in the ocean.    Everyone on the beach rushed to the boat.  A couple hundred slaves poured out the back and took a piss against the side of the barge.  Everybody hugged.

Buttwhack was a notorious S and M personality, used to be in a comic strip, it was dropped, he became parapetitic, not unlike Stan and Donnie.   The Empress, too, had a mean streak burried under the Queen's formal manners, running a twelve step program for junkies.   It's where she gets her slaves,   She gives them a bottle of methodone, they agree to row the barge.   Works better than an Evinrude out-board.  Right about then her slaves were all working on number eleven in the program they were forced to adhere to.  Soon they would all get a certificate.

Naturally, there was instant group singing to the thrum of that little First Act Adam Levine six string, and later, there was group sex.   By superb freak of genetics, one of the three sisters, identical triplets,  liked flagellation, and Buttwack was there for her.  The other two loved to watch, and I'm leaning to the view that this is a healthy deviation in their trebbled gene assemblage.  The Empress whipped slaves, while Stan and Donnie busied them selves in a variety of supportive touchings.   They kept a book about massage in the van, under the boxes and boxes of Nutty Bars.  Soon, both men recovered their long lost libidos, long ago weakened by a diet of Nutty Bars,  and the females present were all too happy to  let the two displaced, marginalized comrades hop on top.  Then more singing to that sexy musical instrument from Kmart.

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