Thursday, May 5, 2016

I Love To Say 'The Horror'

Since the film Apocalypse Now, I still quote the line uttered by Marlon Brando.  He grunted that line derived from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness more soulfully than any other four word grunt by any other hipster.  To boot, so many things in real daily life are horrifying, so there is ample opportunity to say, with meaning, with heart, "the horror, the horror."

This morning, it was a ham bone that elicited, like from the Raven in Poe's eponymous poem, evermore, "The horror."

It was an accident, and I could have lived without it. A feral cat dug an ankle sized ham bone out of the trash, and left it on the sidewalk in front of the house.  I went outside to see if all the trash had been taken away, per normal, on a gray trash day morning, and all the bags had been hauled to the hallowed land fill.  But there was a gigundo ham bone one the sidewalk, and I ate the twenty pound picnic ham, over a six week festival, down to the scary looking bone.  It looked like a body part.  I was, in a word, horrified, both before and after figuring out what the fucking piece of garbage was.   I thought a person had been mutilated.  Around here, it could happen.   There are so many more reasons to quote the Raven/Brando.   "The horror."

In national politics, the 'fix is in.'  Super-delegates are great big hookers for plutocrats.  The social causes, world peace among them, turned into a carnival of greed and deception.  The social justice that progressives and humanists used to seek has been weaponized and commodified into non existence.  And the human emotional make up has changed.  People are not what they used to be.

So there you go.  "The horror, the horror."   No fooling.

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