In a desperate and possibly purposeful attempt to increase readership, I'm adding links to mainstream news articles to my digital media tent show. The link.... look downward, angels...takes you to a dilly of an attempt to reduce the cost of medical care. But first, a plain burlap sack of ideas.
Single payer, run the the Fed, would be the best option of all. But it isn't happening, so there are wee tinier options. Tort liability crap could undergo a healthy downsizing. Maybe the slip and fall business should be fed to hungry pigs, like in a horror flick.
I think the Fed should go nuts with a swinging new wave in anti-trust action against both insurers and providers so to force free market competition.
Certain regulatory agencies could be given the old heave-ho in favor of community clinics that provide affordable medical service. The free world could re-introduce private practices, complete with wrinkled, chuffing cigar smoking general practitioners. With a nurse in starched white linen. In the mean time, folks in Louisiana are demanding that the Fed sit its fat ass down on the cost of medicine. By George, I think they may be on to something.
This article is encouraging. More people should demand the government force the price of medicine down.
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