Yours truly, me, does not support any political candidate. Voting Dem for life, this does not mean I agree with jack shit anyone does, in Washington DC or Anywhere EBF. I don't vote GOP. This post is about changing grass roots politics, adopting a non-partisan, critical thinking wait-and-see position in regard to the tariff program. In this shit heap, the simple aspect of applying the tariffs heaves it's hairy fat cakes onto the exponential complexities of long and short term consequences. No one knows what will happen, not sooner, not later. Shit will be going down. I advise against taking aggressive action against the tariff program, as it could fuck up the US economy worse than status quo. There will be both good and shitty results, the best option is to monitor the news daily, document what is happening, talk about it, but don't do too fucking much else. Thanks for reading. More shit is coming down the trough.
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