Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Squatras

I discovered the Squatras while performing a mirror ritual in the vacant lot behind the house. A mirror is the shiny back entrance to nasty yet gratifying realizations.  The cast of puppets and dolls used in the ritual were positioned around the broken mirror frame, and I had ignited the sacrificial white male action doll, after  dousing it with a measured half ounce of high test, poured from the holy gasoline container, made of safe, reliable neoprene, into a dropper bottle I think of as 'the grail.'  I use a very special funnel to pour the gas.  No fuck ups.

A 'squatra' is a spiritual plexus that opens up, like a zit, pouring forth groove juice, when you are squatting.  I was squatted down near my outdoor shrine when a few of my inner squatras opened.  Damn, it was profound.  Felt great.  Like twelve tabs of X, all cutting loose at once.  It was a reminder that spirituality is sensuality, and things like the condition of your squatras may be imperative to it.   You'll get off better once you grasp your squatras.

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