Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Fishing Up Some Networking

Where, goodness gracious, did networking go?  It was such a popular concept in the 1990s, when, like digitized nymphs and nimrods, people all over the place were glowing with the spirit of invention, and the practice of forming working partnerships, all in pursuit of comrade free enterprise and free social interaction.  People were wunking out software products.  They were milling and drilling hardware.  They were selling shit, like streaming videos of a hotcake, all kinds of fucking clever shit.  And then the dot com economy of the 1990s bit the dust.  It was a giddy, often lucrative chaos, and it has found order in mass consolidation.  The small time entrepreneur has been more or less screwed ever since.

The concept of networking has taken a breather.  It's outside, smoking a Marlboro.  It's cold out.  I'm trying to invite its productive and socially redeeming ass in the house here.  People can get back to the business of free and open communication on the internet, and where sanitary, in person, such as at a Starbucks.

I used to trundle an idea that it is possible to develop profitable private business and industry by way of a communications model.  If the entrepreneur scares up the product, other professionals facilitate development and marketing, and everyone makes greenbacks, holy jeepers its as All American as pro football.  During Superbowl season, for fuck sake.  Go networking process.

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