Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 Hello, I'm a prick about protesting on college campuses.  Why don't the same people doing the Monster Mash everywhere at expensive schools do the Mash in the downtown business district,   where they similarly well be forcibly dispersed, and disliked? Assholes are doing it on campus under the false belief they have a right to express themselves there, more so than elsewhere.  Why?  Schools conduct school biz.  Biz districts conduct retail/corporate biz.  The protesters themselves wouldn't want people coming between them and their next bowl of humus.   Their woke-chow dates and figs could get squished in the riots that happen sooner or later.  People going to school for cake decorating should not be forced to use progressive-only frosting.    Nor should they face cake violations on their persons or confections.   People are rude, deluded pieces of shit.

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