Saturday, May 11, 2024

Rant: Politics...


We Don’t Need Trump To Make Friends With North Korea

Our presidential election is breezing up to the batter’s mound, no, make that the pitcher's mound, there ain't no batters mound, and no one has to be reminded we all need to keep Donald Trump out of public  office.  That’s understood.  I’m seeing, though, a loose thread.

We need Kim Jong Un, now.  Please don’t think for one lousy second I’m saying ‘vote for Trump.’  Don’t make me gag.   I’m sick at the thought of that person.  I hope Stormy Daniels rips his tiny aspirations off.  But we need Kim Jong Un, that adorable, iconically handsome and well groomed fascist in North Korea, to come on down and visit us.  The price is right!  

Soon-to-be-jailed ex-president Trump tried to open working relations with Kim.  He even spirited one of Kim Jong Un’s favorite capitalist pro-athlete play pals, basketball legend Dennis Rodman.   Naturally, the initiative resulted in nothing special.  Look who was president at the time.  But it would still be a good idea for Democrats, all of them/us/whomever, to support positive, open relations, anywhere at all, North Korea especially.  

Once Kim Jong Un feels comfortable here, I know he’ll become a spokesman for American corporations, galore, because it will be so fun and lucrative for him and his dearest colleagues. He’d be a riot on SNL.     The man even looks funny! He could do this routine where he sells his enemy's kidneys online  for $19.95.   If all goes well, we can all trade in nuclear weapons.    I know there’s a market over there for our pharmaceuticals.  Even the dourest oppressors can be fun when you get a few Zolofts in them.

I’d like to see Kim open a chain of restaurants.   One atrocity from column A, two from column B.   No homicides!  They only take out food.   I know everyone is gonna’ love Kim Jong Un,  the Democrats just have to get him to come out of his shell.  Thanks for reading.

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