Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Dreadful Bed And Breakfast

The continental breakfast here is a bag of Ramen noodles, and Vietnamese coffee.   The latter is cooked cowboy style, in a sauce pan and strained into a diner mug.   The Ramen noodes are also served in a diner mug.  There are a few thick white diner style plates to go with mugs, but I seem to have misplaced the baguettes and brie.  Maybe someone broke in, overnight.  Happens.  Sometimes I hide most inhumane rodent traps in the refrigerator.      There is some sort of ring of power that radiates from the foods, like the Ramen and java, and nobody steals it.  I think the crap is radioactive.  Just the expensive shit gets stolen.

And that is how cultures originate.   They evolve on a diet of shit no one else wants too fucking desperately.  Sometimes they wind up having little, tiny heads, from a protein deficiency.  Other times, they make wise use of agriculture.  Or they get good at stealing.  Thus they get huge and frightening.  New careers open for them, in crime and law enforcement.   Soon everyone has an SUV and giant size television.

The important thing is the internationalism, or globalism, that is taking place absolutely everywhere.  The low price of imported crap that looks Euro has enabled people to imitate globalism.  As soon as everyone imitates it, everyone will be very much alike.  Everyone will be comparably easy to govern.

I've decided to eat less protein.  Less worry.

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