Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mass Conformity: How Fucking Dull

So what the crap happened to free thinking in the United States?    A few guesses:  It's poorly represented as a subject, the media isn't pumping it, the media is pumping a globalist amalgamation of ultra dimwittedness,  And individuals don't seem to have the gravitas they once oozed, like maple sap.

 The job market fucked up free thinking real royal.   Try claiming you had the right to free speech next time you get fired for applying it.   You try that stunt, your former employer will resurrect Johnny Cochran from the dead just to prove they fired you for some other reason, like you're a clutz.  And then, try keeping the mind of a chess master while managing a fried chicken franchise.  Chicken fried brains.  Burnout.   And now you  have to sign a nondisclosure agreement,so you can't speak up for yourself or anyone else.  All facts are guarded by shadowy soldiers of fortune.  They can fuck you over for speaking.

And they can fuck up your mind all together.  All brainwashing is is repetition of some message or noise.   Either you are supposed to do something, or not do something, but either way, you are a soft core consumer zombie.  Also, you are probably a careerist zombie, all ambition and no human qualities left.  But nahhhh, forget I said that.  You're swell.  And attractive.  I'm just trying to make a point.  You're a peach.  Get liberated.   Not sure how.  You tell me.

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