Sunday, January 21, 2024

 Here, like 'eurkea!,'  the Perry South district, was a wonderful place a long time ago.   There is a vacant, mostly disused marble institution for shitheads a few blocks from where my ass is planted, the eleventh floor of a subsidized highrise apartment building.  A great building, that school that taught thousands of stupid children how to be less useless to society.   It's been a long time since great people were anywhere fucking near it.  It's a fossil of an animal that went extinct...the collective talents and morals of people who lived and kicked the bucket in what is now more an occupied territory than a neighborhood.

Across an alley from the school there is a long puritanical brick building built in small, tiny, apartments suitable for housing dirt poor school teachers or nuns.  There are still big stone seminaries and friaries.  I contend the soul went out of here a long time ago.   People are alive and without souls.   

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