Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Few Stumbling Thoughts........

Not for nothing, chums, but I need to share that, at heart, I'm a parlimentarian motherfucker.  Not the grande latte of subject matter, nothing anyone should break a vessel over, but I've been feeling private revulsion over 'power to the people.'  In yesteryear, it seemed that any and all good folk doing their thing could result in a great and free society.  Currently, it looks like it may have been the ant-matter of a foundation upon which to operate a free society.  I've morphed into an establishmentarian ass motherfucker, and it matters too fucking little because it's just me jerking off in my stained ursine recliner.

I'm not endorsing any prez cand at all.  Will vote.  Won't say who for.   And this isn't the first time in yay long I've ruminated on this bovine socio-political cud.  The punching, kicking and hockering, of late, at Trump rallies made me regurgitate the whole line of reasoning.  Hecklers were blowing whistles to disrupt Donald's speeches, a low-life, snot head tactic to be sure.   People tried to shout the Donald down, and it looks like anti-Donalds were, maybe, even assaulting Trump supporters.  Donald, wisely or unwisely, exhorted retaliation on his behalf, offering to pay legal fees for anyone who slugs a agitator.  Sounds odd, heard worse bargaining methods.

  A protester was interviewed on the evening news, saying that protesters have to prevent, his words, 'this from happening.'  You gotta love the way certain people can window dress a loutish imfringement on free speech.  People who object to Trump's politics or rhetoric are welcome to write a trillion letters, e-mails, and call everyone from Wayne LaPierre to Dr. Suess on the phone, all words hot with bile over rotten, miserable Donald Trump.  People can blog themselves into a state of self-induced outrage satori.  But the Constitution still guarantees free speech, and fucking with Donald's isn't fucking cricket.

Urgency does not mitigate misconduct.  Liberal Democrats have been using the rationale, for ages, that the urgency of their missions mitigates disrupting any communications, any business initiative, any act of law enforcement, and the urgency mitigates spying, lying, and propagandizing everything from soup to nuts.  It usually doesn't. Anyone can claim they're goals are more important than everyone else's.   Foul play is foul play.

People should form conservative interest groups and engage in mass communication.  People shouldn't be acting like a high school re-enactment of Kent State.  Or the legendary Chicago Convention riot of 1968.  Nitwits are living in the past.  Obstruction is wrong.  Responsible political action groups are hunky dory.  I'm hunky dory. You are too.

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