Sunday, March 6, 2016

Crude Realities: I love them!

Maybe I should stay out of it, but I see some questionable parenting when I'm waiting for a bus at the Greyhound station downtown.  They need to be more authoritarian.  Like, when there's a family of eight  staring at their smart phones, and something gruesome comes on the screen, people should yell at their kids.  They should say, loudly, "Hey.  You don't be doing that, or I'll kick your ass."  That way your kids will know how you feel about them doing the fucked up things that go on all the time on portable internet devices of all sort.  Significant others and legal guardians should be supportive, saying, "Damn straight.  That motherfucker was wrong."  If people taught their kids civility in this simple, humane and well programmed way, there would be less shit.

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